At the moment we do not have reseller facilities, however nothing is stopping you from reselling our webhosting! At this stage we can not offer any better pricing for the domain names and you can resell our domains at higher rate; however we can offer better pricing for the unlimited web hosting, i.e. we can sell it to you for $15/year considering that you register at least 50 active/paying customers. You do not need to register 50 new customers every year! You simply need to find 50 new customers and then just maintain 50 active/paying customers and that is it! So, if you are sure that you are going to bring and maintain 50+ active web hosting customers, then you can resell even cheaper than our standard rate of $20/year, e.g. your hosting package may cost only $19/year and in this case your profit will be $4/customer/year. But in this case you are at risk of loosing $1/customer/year if number of active customers suddenly fall below 50. You can also resell web hosting for higher rate, e.g. $25/year, and in this case your profits will be either $10/customer/year in case you will bring and maintain 50+ active web hosting customers or $5/customer/year if you will have less than 50 active web hosting customers. This is more secure way of starting your reselling business. How is it possible to set it up? Please register your own domain (e.g. with us for the standard $20/year web hosting plan, and under your webhosting account please create the following Email Forwarders:,,, etc... All these email forwarders suppose to forward all correspondence to your own email address, i.e. After this, you may start registering your customers (also for $20/year) under these virtual email addresses:,, etc... Finally, and all customer's login details, invoices, reminders, etc...will be automatically emailed from us to you on! (Then it is up to you how you will distribute this information within your customers.) At the end of each year (at the end of each payment period for the web hosting account) there will be a "judgement day" when we will determine how many active customers you have. So, even if you used to have only 49 active/paying customers throughout whole year, and in the last day one more of your new customers paid for his new webhosting account - then it will bring number to 50 active customers and eventually you will be eligible for reseller's discount of $5/customer/year!! Therefore, the figure of 50 active customers must hit only once a year on the day of renewal of your primary hosting account. On this renewal day at the end of your payment period we will make a search query for active customers in our database where email like ''. If search results will show more than 50 active clients registered under your primary domain name, then we will issue $5 credit for each of your customer, i.e. you will receive $250+ refund from us back to your bank account. We can negotiate better than $15/year unlimited webhosting for the resellers with 100+ active customers. Please note that any domain name from any country in the world can be linked free of charge to our Name Servers and therefore to our unlimited webhosting. So, when reselling our web hosting you can purchase domain names with different providers. Then you can assign our name servers ( and to these domains, and finally these domain names will be linked to our web hosting. But before you assign our name server to your domain names, please make sure that the trial web hosting account with temporary address is already working as well as domain name that you are planning to link is registered as 'domain reference' under this trial web hosting account. As mentioned earlier, we do not provide reseller store and/or other reseller facilities, so it is up to you to set it all up and it is up to you to look after your customers. Please [contact] us via link above if you have any questions. |